Secure Your Network with Menark's Managed Firewall

Get acquainted with leading next-generation firewall solutions that make it easy for your business to work efficiently while keeping unwanted IT traffic at bay.  

Managed Firewall Services

Get acquainted with leading next-generation firewall solutions that make it easy for your business to work efficiently while keeping unwanted IT traffic at bay.  

Firewalls play a huge role in keeping your business safe from ransomware attacks, phishing attacks, malware, Trojans, and more. No cybersecurity plan is complete without a next-generation firewall to protect your systems from unauthorized third parties.

Do you know how firewalls work and what they can do for your business IT security? Read on to get to know what next-generation firewalls have to offer and how to use them to their fullest potential.

Managed Firewall Services In Philadelphia PA

Application-level Security

Next-generation firewall systems have both intrusion detection and intrusion prevention systems. Put simply, your firewall will not only notify you of suspicious activity but also take action against it.

Endpoint Security

Endpoint security enables your business to work with outside contractors and remote employees without compromising IT security. It sets standards for remote workers and third-party contractors to use when accessing your business network so they can work with you on important projects without inadvertently or even deliberately giving cyberhackers access to your IT set-up.

Simplified Managed Firewall Services

Next-generation firewalls have a simple, efficient structure that allows us to manage your entire system from a single device. Our office technicians can, with a click of a mouse, set down new rules and limitations on what type of data can enter and leave your system. This makes it easy for our IT support services to help you adapt your IT security perimeters to suit your needs at any given point in time.

Network Speed Optimization

You don’t have to worry about your firewall limiting your ability to work online because next-generation firewall software is optimized to ensure maximum network speed while at the same time effectively blocking forbidden or suspicious traffic.

Why Menark Managed Firewall Services?

While next-generation firewall software on its own is pretty powerful, it needs to be properly configured to suit your business needs. That’s why Menark offers managed firewall services to help you select, install and manage your IT firewall.

The Menark IT team has over fifteen years of experience providing IT cybersecurity solutions to companies throughout the mid-Atlantic area. What’s more, we partner with leading tech firms such as SonicWALL to offer the best firewall solutions on the market. Our team gets high marks from current and former customers alike for handling IT issues professionally and efficiently while at the same time providing friendly, jargon-free customer service that can help you prevent potential IT problems.

Are you looking for managed firewall solutions along with other cutting-edge IT cybersecurity tools to protect your systems from damaging breaches? If so, get in touch with us at your convenience to learn more about our IT security services or to make an appointment with one of our IT experts.