Legal IT Security In Philadelphia & Wilmington
As technology evolves, cyber thieves adapt as well. In the legal sector, a breach in security can be devastating. There are usually extensive investigations into what happened and even financial repercussions. Savvy clients expect more from law firms in Philadelphia, Delaware and South Jersey.
Cyber-crime is evolving with more sophisticated and targeted attacks that even the experts can’t deal with. But what does this mean for law firms like yours?
Client records, along with personal and financial information are major targets of ransomware. As Stu Sjouwerman, CEO of a leading cybersecurity agency states, “Ransomware attacks are in the process of morphing from spray-and-pray phishing blasts to highly targeted and extremely damaging network-wide infections that can cause days or weeks of downtime for a whole organization.”
Even with the best technology, some firms have weaknesses that they are unaware of. In-house IT staff can get complacent. They may not be updating programs on a regular basis. They could forget to apply patches to your software. They may not be keeping up with all the latest cyber threats. New viruses are developed daily that exploit weaknesses in your IT infrastructure. These are just a few of the problems law firms face today.
The good news is that simply by taking a few small steps, law offices like yours can strengthen their security perimeter so they’re ready for any cyber-attack. But any good solution needs to fight the problem effectively and in a cost-efficient manner. Many law offices report that their technology expenses are going through the roof. A good security program should be affordable.
How Law Firms Combat Ransomware
Ransomware remains a very real risk. Hackers are using more sophisticated and precise exploits to compromise networks. A single breach of client data can have devastating effects. It could ruin your firm’s reputation and require months to recover from. So how do you eliminate this risk?
One easy and cost-effective method involves regular training for your employees. Everyone at your firm should know what a phishing email looks like. They should know how to figure out if an email is coming from the source it claims to come from.
Cyber thieves know how to create an email that looks exactly like something you would receive from Apple, Microsoft or Ebay. They know how to word the text so users are enticed to click the link. But with regular training, your employees will stop, examine each component of the email and learn the truth before it’s too late.
Well-informed employees can make all the difference. And regular cyber security training is easy and affordable. Menark Technologies can come out once or twice a year and hold employee training sessions. The rest of the time, we can send informative articles and links to good videos that show the latest cyber security trends. We stay current on this topic so you don’t have to. And we’ll make sure your employees are always in the know.
Computer & Network Security For Law Firms
There are lots of other ways Menark can help keep your law firm secure:
- Firewalls, anti-virus software, web-content filtering, and more to protect your network and confidential information.
- Around-the-clock monitoring. We proactively monitor your network to avoid unexpected issues and/or threats.
- Business continuity planning. We keep your systems backed up and ready to recover in the event of human error or natural disaster.
- Dark web scans/monitoring. There’s a chance that some of your firm’s information is already out there and exposed to thousands of scammers and hackers. We routinely perform dark web scans to see if your network is vulnerable to an attack.
Our techs are familiar with all the important applications, such as PC Law, Timeslips, Amicus, Clio, that your firm uses every day. If you have issues, problems or training needs, we can step in and take care of everything so you can focus on winning cases.
Menark Technologies will work with you hand-in-hand to provide the right security tools and solutions to protect your computers and network from today’s sophisticated, targeted threats. We have years of experience, skilled technicians and all the tools necessary to make sure your law firm is prepared for the future of technology.
Who Provides Cybersecurity For Law Offices?
Menark Technologies provides a wide range of comprehensive solutions for law offices in Philadelphia, Delaware and South Jersey. Why not contact us to learn more?
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