Did You Get Notifications Your Datto Appliance Expired?
The first place to check is the GUI – Device Overview Page. That’s the part of the Datto appliance’s Remote Web interface. Once you’ve logged into the user interface, you will see right at the top of the page a yellow notification banner.
Your notice will read:“Your device has been expired since (Date). You have “X” number of days before it becomes out of service.”
There is a severe penalty for not restoring service promptly to the device within the 30-day grace period. Your backups, retention, and offsite synchronization stops functioning.
Figure 1. The device has expired, but its yellow banner status indicates it is in a 30-day grace period.
Let’s say you’ve logged into the device’s user interface, and at the top of the page is a red notification banner. That is the severe penalty notification.
Your notice will read:“Your device has been expired since (Date) and is currently out of service. Backups, retention, and offsite syncing have been disabled.”
Figure 2. The device has expired, and its red banner status indicates it is beyond the 30-day grace period.
What To Do Next Once You’ve Confirmed You Did Get Expiration Notifications?
There are two places to check:
First, check on the device’s billing status. Go to the partner portal and log in.
Next, contact Datto’s Appliance Technical Support. A knowledgeable technician will assist you and help determine if your appliance’s service contract expired. They will also check to see if a technical problem has caused your device from communicating with its Datto server.
Should your device have an expired service contract, the Technical Support personnel will assist with connecting you to one of the Sales Executives to renew the appliance’s services.
But, if your device’s account shows it has an active service contract, but you received a service expiration notification, displayed in the GUI, Support will immediately work at resolving the issue as quickly as possible.
What Does It Mean When You Get A Notification, But Your Service Has Not Expired?
In this instance, your Datto appliance might not work, because it does not meet the exact networking requirements. In that event a notification message will appear in the GUI, to get your attention, even when your service has not expired.
Again contact Datto’s Appliance Technical Support about the notification. They will also check to see if a technical problem has caused your device from communicating with its Datto server.
If you are not aware of the local and offsite networking requirements, there are quite a few to be familiar with in the event your appliance isn’t working. To give you some idea, of the network requirements, let’s take a look at four common ones, you’ll find listed at the Datto Knowledge Base.
- Network link speed requirements – All SIRIS 3 and Datto NAS 3 devices (except for the DN-3A) must be connected using a gigabit connection. They will not function on a slower connection.[1]
- Port access and IP whitelist requirements – Depending on your network setup, you may also need to open port 25566 (UDP) inbound to the agent and/or port 445 (TCP) inbound to the Datto appliance (for Samba communication to devices that don’t use NetBIOS).[1]
- Port access and IP whitelist requirements – Depending on your network security configuration, you may need to whitelist inbound.dattoremote.com for correct Remote Web functionality, and python.map.fastly.net for optimal device communication.[1]
- Internet access requirements for protected machines – Datto strongly recommends enabling IPMI on Datto appliances which include this feature and configuring the IPMI port with a static IPv4 address. That will allow you to, remotely access the device, for troubleshooting if necessary.[1]
[1] SIRIS, ALTO, and DNAS Networking & Bandwidth Requirements
When Your Datto Appliance Fails a Smart Status Check – Contact Technical Support Immediately!
When you get this alert: “Drive sd(x) has failed a Smart Status Check,” stop what you’re doing, there is something seriously wrong with your device. That alert is notifying you of a SMART Status error(s) that one of the Datto device’s hard drives failed its SMART status check.
You can easily investigate what is happening, by going into the device’s web interface. Once inside make your way to the Advanced tab, then down to the Advanced Devices Status and then click on Drive Status section.
The Drive Status tool will display the column headings. The two critical titles you need to check are the “Bad Sectors” and the “Errors” columns. If those columns exceed the number 5, contact Datto Technical Support for a more thorough analysis and possible drive replacement.
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